May 2021

Weekly Newsletter

By |2021-05-24T21:03:01-07:00May 24th, 2021|Communication Updates, Weekly Newsletter|

As we start coming towards the end of the school year, I want to thank everyone for your continued support. Please remember that we still have a week of classes and final exams, so we need to gather our strength for one last push to finish strong! As a reminder, students in AP classes will not have MDCHS final exams, and students earning an “A” in a class will also be exempt from exams this semester. Teachers will notify students if they are exempt from

Weekly Newsletter

By |2021-05-24T21:04:20-07:00May 17th, 2021|Communication Updates, Weekly Newsletter|

Congratulations to all of our students who were recognized last week during our Virtual Crusaders Awards Ceremony. I would also like to congratulate our seniors for their college and university acceptances. The Class of 2021 has done an amazing job staying focused on their studies during a challenging time and is now being rewarded with acceptances into some of the best universities in the country.

Weekly Newsletter

By |2021-05-11T08:07:13-07:00May 10th, 2021|Communication Updates, Weekly Newsletter|

This week, we have some really wonderful celebratory events coming up. First, thank you to everyone who joined in this morning for our Grandparent’s Day Rosary, hosted by our Parents in Prayer group. Wednesday, we are premiering our 60-Year Legacy Documentary, which highlights the past 60-years of Crusader history. You and your families will not want to miss this!....

Weekly Newsletter

By |2021-05-07T08:17:10-07:00May 3rd, 2021|Communication Updates, Weekly Newsletter|

Today marks the first day in over a year that all of our students from our high school and elementary school have the option to be on campus at the same time. It is great to see the increased activity and smiling faces and we look forward to having students on campus 5 days a week beginning in August...

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