August 2021

MDJDA Monthly Newsletter

By |2021-11-19T09:19:04-07:00August 1st, 2021|MDJDA Monthly Newsletter|

I pray that everyone is healthy and in good spirits. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year. As you know, this is a historic year for Mater Dei, as we become the first TK-12 school in the Diocese of San Diego, but it’s also a historic year for Mater Dei Juan Diego Academy in particular. For the first time in our school history we have an 8th grade class. Our pioneers will become our first graduating class at MDJDA. And so it is fitting that this school year our theme is “Together We Soar”, “Emprendiendo juntos el vuelo”. We are preparing our students to soar this academic school year and beyond. Our 8th graders will soon be ready to soar into high school. As a school we are ready to soar as we continue to grow as educators, empowering our students to succeed academically and inspiring ...

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