September 2021

Weekly Newsletter

By |2021-09-20T09:37:54-07:00September 17th, 2021|Communication Updates, Weekly Newsletter|

We are battling St. Augustine (Saints) in more than just football next week. We will be competing with them in a recycling challenge. The school that recycles the most plastic bottles will win money for the charity of the school's choice. When we win, we will be donating to the Alpha Project, which helps the homeless population of San Diego.

Weekly Newsletter

By |2021-09-12T07:45:39-07:00September 10th, 2021|Communication Updates, Weekly Newsletter|

Hello Crusader Parents! It was an exciting week on campus with Club Day today and Back To School Night last night. It made me so happy to see so many smiling faces on campus partaking in fun activities like Club Day! Next week, we are looking forward to hosting our Freshman Retreats.

MDJDA Monthly Newsletter

By |2021-11-19T09:20:24-07:00September 1st, 2021|MDJDA Monthly Newsletter|

Just like that, summer has come and gone and we have entered autumn. Although the weather may not feel like it yet, fall has officially arrived. Autumn continues to be my favorite season. The colors of the season, the cooler weather and the falling leaves remind us that slowly, but surely things start to fall into place. The activity of the summer months and the busyness of the return to school, give way to the peacefulness and the comfort of daily routines. At school, our students settle into those routines, finding comfort in the daily prayers, their favorite subjects, their interactions with teachers and friends alike...

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