Theology Courses

113. Divine Revelation (Fall_Grade 9)

This semester course is an introduction to the Word of God. It aims to focus the foundation of our faith in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. While this course includes a study of both the Old and New Testament, it begins by centering the study of Scripture on a person’s natural instinct to search for God. The purpose of this course is to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of Sacred Scriptures. In the course they will learn about the Bible authored by God through Inspiration, and its value to people throughout the world. They will learn how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible. Through their study of the Bible, they will come to encounter the living Word of God, Jesus Christ.

114. Introduction to Christology (Spring_Grade 9)

After a semester of Scripture, this course deepens the study of Jesus, highlighting key events in his earthly ministry while unpacking his teachings about God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, and Mary. Students will be introduced to key vocabulary terms, explore relevant questions of faith, profile famous Christian disciples, and offers several applications to put the lessons of discipleship into action. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the mystery of Jesus Christ as the living Word of God and to begin experiencing discipleship as a life of grace and holiness which will lead them to experience God’s everlasting Kingdom. This course calls on teens to “pick up their cross” and follow the Lord in this life and beyond.

123. Paschal Mystery (Spring_Grade 9)

This course proclaims the Good News of the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s Cross and Resurrection. In this course students will explore in greater depth the saving actions of the Lord. This course unpacks and studies the meaning of God’s sacred and mysterious plan from creation, onward to the consequences and the promises of a Savior, while ultimately focusing on the Life, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Students will learn that they share in this redemption only in and through Jesus Christ. They will also be introduced to what it means to be a disciple of Christ and what life as a disciple entails. The purpose of this course is to help students understand all that God has done for us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Students will seek to understand God’s plan for us to share eternal happiness with him, which is accomplished through the redemption Christ won for us.

125. Introduction to Ecclesiology (Spring_Grade 10)

This course will provide a means for understanding the interrelationship of the various components of the Catholic Church. While acknowledging the importance of the historical perspective this course emphasizes the living Church and what it is in the present moment. The course is constructed around those themes that represent Church practice and belief such as the Church as the People of God, the Church as servant, and the Church as sacrament. Each theme has a historical component tracing the theme through major periods of Church history and providing insights as to how the Church has come to its contemporary expression.

134. Catholic Morality (Spring_Grade 11)

This course emphasizes the seven Sacraments as the definitive way Jesus remains present to the Church and the world today. It expresses concrete ways for understanding the Sacraments, participating in their rites, and benefiting from their graces. The four dimensions of each Sacrament including memorial, celebration, communion, and transformation will be emphasized. Each of these elements offers students the opportunity to further their relationships with Christ and the Church. The purpose of this course is to help students examine each of the Sacraments to understand that they can encounter Christ today and throughout their life, especially through the Eucharist.

135. Campus Ministry Practicum I (One Year_Grade 11)

Students will learn the purpose and meaning of the seven Sacraments in the Church and their lives. In addition, students will learn Liturgical Theology. Students will also learn how to plan, organize, and facilitate on-campus liturgical celebrations. Second semester, students are challenged to develop a well-formed conscience and incorporate virtue into their lives. The course incorporates the discussion of general principles of morality and focuses on real world scenarios to help students understand how their actions and choices contribute to a moral society. In addition, students will begin their leadership training to organize retreats as senior campus ministers. Prerequisites: Application, letter of intent, interview, teacher recommendation.

136. Campus Ministry Practicum II (One Year_Grade 12)

Students will come to an understanding of the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings on social justice and Christian life choices as described in both the Catholic Social Justice and course Christian Call courses. In addition, students will learn the Christian theology and spirituality of retreats. Students will learn the basic leadership skills in planning, organizing, and facilitating retreats to students of various grade levels at MDCHS. Students will use these skills to lead student facilitated and organized retreats to their peers. Throughout the year, students will put to practice their instruction of Catholic Social Teachng by implementing campus wide social justice education and charity drives. Students assume active ministerial roles to their peers and leadership roles on campus. Prerequisites: At least one semester of Campus Ministry Practicum I.

137. Sacraments (Fall_Grade 11)
141. Social Justice (Fall_Grade 12)
142. Christian Call (Spring_Grade 12)
150. Senior Capstone Project (Grade 12)