Financial Assistance
<h3 “>Need-Based Tuition Assistance
We have need-based tuition assistance awarded to families who might otherwise not be able afford full tuition. Priority will be given to students who have taken the entrance exam at Mater Dei Catholic High School in January. Each award is made on a case-by-case basis. 65% of those who applied for tuition assistance in 2020/21 received it.
The window to apply for need-based financial assistance is between November 1, 2020 – February 1, 2021.
Tuition Assistance:
We are pleased to offer FACTS Payment Plans and Grant & Aid Financial Needs Assessment on the same platform.
Please click HERE to apply for financial assistance.
If you have questions about registration, scholarships or tuition assistance, our Registrar, Margarita Hernandez, will be happy to assist you. Please contact her at 619-423-2121 ext. 128, or by email at